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ASCL magazine features iAbacus
We are delighted that Andrew Clay, Head of Counden Court School in Coventry, was featured in the Association of School and College...
Tackling work-related stress
With World Mental Health Day falling in October, we thought it was timely to look at how schools can use iAbacus® to tackle the worrying...
Mining for gold: using data to improve performance
Most schools are flooded with data. The challenge is to quickly and easily identify which are the nuggets of gold that will help to...
Four questions every HoD should ask about their department
Heads of departments/ faculty often know instinctively what their strengths and weakness are, but being so close to the action, it can...
Are you an operative or a professional? These 5 questions will tell you
This blog is a serious challenge to professionals in and beyond education. How much time do you spend chasing targets set by others,...
Judgement before evidence. How come?
We recently received a Tweet asking why the iAbacus process asks users to make a judgement before inputting evidence. It is a subject...
Did you know: iAbacus includes templates for 15 curriculum areas
As you know, the iAbacus process (see: can be used across all areas of school development using a range of...
What is it about the iAbacus?
Gerald Haigh, freelance journalist, author of a number of educational leadership books and ICT guru, investigated the iAbacus and...
The iAbacus goes to Dubai
Last month we highlighted our venture into Wales with the iAbacus mapped to the Estyn framework – this month we celebrate an exciting...
Improved PDF reports
Have you created a PDF report in your iAbacus account recently? If you have – you’ll have noticed that the front page now displays a full...
The iAbacus Improvement Model
Those of you who know John’s work will realise the iAbacus improvement model emerged from proven education developments in the late 1900s...
This month’s focus iAbacus: Literacy
As you may already know, the iAbacus contains a template for the evaluation of literacy provision, designed to support subject leaders...
Schools in Wales – watch this space!
After John’s work training System Leaders in South Wales and a very successful networking event in Llandudno last month, we are on the...
No more flipping coins – it’s time to trust the iAbacus
At iAbacus we’ve always known that school improvement begins and ends with what teachers think and do. So, we’ve always worked alongside...
New subject-specific self-evaluation templates available
Have you seen the new subject-specific templates available in your iAbacus account? More importantly – Have you told colleague subject...
Famous Five go to Ofsted (and the demise of lesson grades)
There is no doubt in my mind that what the Famous Five achieved in “Ofsted Grade-gate” is a real break-through. Well done all! ”No more...
No more Lesson Observation grades – John Pearce joins the OFSTED debate
Recently the press and social media have been full of news about the failure of OFSTED (or anyone) to accurately grade lessons. You may...
This month’s focus: iAbacus for Governance
Effective School Governance is now a high profile national issue. Discussions about quality, the need for scrutiny and potential payment...
A true story about performance management.
There’s a low grumbling noise coming from the school hall. It’s the sound of cautious chatter as the entire staff: teachers, teaching...
Make appraisal a natural part of what we do…
Learning from theory, research and each other The bolt on inspection, observation or appraisal, undertaken in clip-board mode by an...
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