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Teacher Appraisal – Reassuring the unconvinced…..
You’ve invested time and energy in agreeing your school’s Appraisal Policy. The document is printed the CPD booked – Job Done! The Summer...
Teacher Appraisal and Performance Management
Introduction: The release, on April 16th, of “Departmental Advice on reviewing and revising your school’s approach to teachers’ pay” is...
Ofsted & Lesson Grades – Considering judgements and moving to action
Introduction: In last week’s post: Famous Five go to Ofsted (and the demise of lesson grades) John Pearce shared important changes to...
The iAbacus – trains and beads and plans
Written in response to the comment, “Explain the iAbacus to me simply and don’t use jargon!” Once upon a time… When I was little, I...
What should we DO about numbers and judgements?
I often ask little people, “How old are you?” and they nearly always get it right, saying “I’m four!” often adding “and three quarters…”...
Protect us from external inspection and quality control!
Picture the scene….. We’re working away on the iAbacus project and my business partner Dan is describing his motivation. I know what he...
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