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New subject-specific self-evaluation templates available

Have you seen the new subject-specific templates available in your iAbacus account? More importantly – Have you told colleague subject leaders about them?

Each of the new templates is pre-loaded with the appropriate subject-specific criteria and guidance published by Ofsted and others. Subject leaders can now use the iAbacus to evaluate effectiveness and create a detailed improvement plans, in exactly the same way as Headteachers and SLT create combined self-evaluation and improvement plans and reports for the whole school.

Our simple, step-by-step process starts by helping a subject leader make a judgement about effectiveness in each of the following areas:

• the achievement of pupils in the subject

• the quality of teaching in the subject

• the quality of the curriculum in the subject

• the quality of leadership and management of the subject

• the overall effectiveness of the subject.

But, as you know, and John stresses above, the iAbacus process doesn’t stop at judgement, it guides subject leaders through analysing factors and supports them in creating detailed plans of action. This is “combined self-evaluation and improvement planning” which so many users tell us is a distinguishing feature!

In the next few weeks we’ll be adding walk-through videos and further documentation to our website to demonstrate how subject-specific abacuses can be used. Please pass them on to colleagues in your school, or wider.


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